Australia could witness the return of one of its most iconic species in largest bid to bring an extinct animal back to life

Researchers from Colossal Biosciences have a ten-year goal to ‘de-extinct’ the thylacine (Tasmanian tiger)

BY Melissa Woodley

Almost 100 years have passed since the thylacine, commonly known as the Tasmanian tiger, was declared extinct. If you do the maths, it means that only a tiny fraction of Australia’s population has ever existed at the same time as the thylacine, the largest marsupial carnivore on Earth. But maybe not for long…

The Tasmanian tiger could make a comeback within the next decade, thanks to groundbreaking advancements in what promises to be the largest and most ambitious de-extinction project to date.

In 2022, scientists from the species preservation company Colossal Biosciences launched a major initiative aimed at bringing the thylacine back from the dead. Backed by some of the world’s biggest celebrities like the Hemsworth brothers, Super Bowl champion Tom Brady and superstar Paris Hilton, this marks the first time a project of this scale has ever been undertaken – with the end goal of reintroducing the thylacine back into Tasmania to protect the local ecosystem.

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