

Deciphering Yesterday
to save tomorrow

At Colossal, we're not just committed to safeguarding the future. We're committed to reintroducing species—both endangered and extinct—to the natural habitats that need them.

Through the restoration of Earth’s extinct, endangered and threatened species, dwindling population numbers—even those at zero—lie at the forefront of our team’s revolutionary efforts. And we’re pursuing our goals in ways that have never been seen before.



conservation FIELD OPS

the colossal foundation

The Colossal Foundation is focused on rapidly flowing Colossal’s technological advancements to partner-led conservation initiatives, to revolutionize wildlife conservation and ecosystem restoration, providing financial support, technology products and opportunities for local partners globally who are fighting to support the most imperilled species in the world.

The Colossal Foundation is focused on rapidly flowing Colossal’s technological advancements to partner-led conservation initiatives, to revolutionize wildlife conservation and ecosystem restoration, providing financial support, technology products and opportunities for local partners globally who are fighting to support the most imperilled species in the world.

Learn More About
the Colossal Foundation +


At the heart of Colossal’s science and technology innovations are our partnerships, where together, we work with industry leaders to advance conservation and restore biodiversity for the benefit of all life on Earth.

John Lukas

Colossal Conservation Advisory Member

“Our planet now faces a global extinction crisis never experienced since the dawn of man, and scientists predict more than one million species are on the path to extinction in the coming decades. This crisis is entirely of our own making. Colossal is a unique, bold initiative that, while working on de-extinction projects, will generate new knowledge and technologies to help rescue and sustain many endangered species before it is too late.”

the 6th mass extinction
experts predict that the world could lose up
to 50% of all
Species by 2050

The devastation caused by extinction doesn't simply impact the species lost. Every population that reaches zero creates a domino effect which threatens all life on Earth. Currently, our planet is in the midst of its sixth mass extinction event—the only event to have been caused solely by human activity. At Colossal, we believe that without taking immediate action and developing revolutionary, life-giving biotechnologies, humanity may soon be in line with the other departed species.


“A world without huge regions of total wilderness would be a cage; a world without [mammals like] bison would be — will be — a human zoo. A high-tech slum.” - Edward Abbey

Bidiversity is the key
of decline

A HEALTHY planet
is a biodiverse planet.

Without question, biodiversity is critical to the continued existence of life on Earth. It offers life-changing medicinal resources, is essential to global nutrient cycles and acts as the ultimate key to life’s resilience. All organisms—regardless of size, species or ecological background rely—both directly and indirectly—on biodiversity to survive.

20% of all mammals

on earth are in danger

of complete extinction

Our Responsibility

Without proactive conservation and biodiversification efforts, the biosphere we know and depend on will experience fundamental degradation. Humanity itself is at risk of extinction. And what a waste it would be, because, of all life on earth, we are the only species evolved enough to reverse its sixth mass extinction event.

With Colossal’s unique ability to restore

specific components of biodiversity through

de-extinction, we carry an undeniable responsibility to act.

Species currently experiencing population decline.


Species saved by conservation efforts since 1990. A number Colossal is committed to help grow.

"Reintroducing just 9 species or groups of species would help limit global warming to less than the 2.7°F threshold set by the Paris Agreement." [source]

Biodiversity is key to life
as we know it

It is forcasted that our planet could lose up to 50% of all biodiversity by 2050. This biodiversity loss will eventually lead to a full economic and societal collapse.

  1. Biodiversity is fundemental to food security More than 25% of non-domesticated, livestock-related species and more than 15% of animal pollinator species are at risk of extinction; the world relies on 3 crops to feed the world.
    [ SOURCE ]
  2. Biodiversity stamps out disease reservoirs helping to avoid the next pandemic More than 75% of new diseases come from the erosion of human-wild interface (AIDS, Ebola, H1N1, and COVID-19) and a diverse biodiversity set helps to regulate species disease versus human interference, which leads to zoonotic diseases.
    [ SOURCE ]
  3. Biodiversity helps shield global financial markets from a crash Ocean tourism and recreation alone accounts for $129B of the US economy and employs 3 billion worldwide. The loss of oceanic biodiversity through pollution and human activity makes it increasingly difficult to sustain these numbers.
    [ SOURCE ]
  4. Biodiversity provides medicinal innovations that are sourced from nature Over 25% of all newly approved anti-cancer drugs are related to or derived from natural products.
    [ SOURCE ]
  5. Biodiversity provides the natural biotech innovations that science has yet to discover CRISPR variants from multiple organisms are helping with clinical implementation and creating a market worth $15.8B by 2030.
    [ SOURCE ]
Causes of species decline

Some major factors which contribute to global species’ population decline are:

= Caused by humans

Habitat Loss

Habitat Loss: The elimination or alteration of the conditions necessary for animals and plants to survive.

Habitat loss is the greatest threat to the variety of life on this planet today. It is the largest threat to 85% of the species named on the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s (IUCN) Red List.


Overfishing: to fish an area or a marine organism excessively, or to exhaust the supply of usable fish in certain waters.

More than 33% of all sharks, rays, and chimaeras (soft-bodied sharks) are now at risk of extinction due to overfishing.

other contributing factors:

Climate Change



Inbreeding (due to fragmentation of habitats and populations)

Genetic Predisposition to Disease

The Past

From Conservation to Stem Cell Reprogramming, Colossal is working toward optimizing and restoring our world.


Earth’s Ecosystem Engineers

Elephants are often considered keystone species, meaning they have a disproportionately large impact on their environment relative to their abundance. Keystone species play a critical role in maintaining the structure of an ecological community. Without them, the ecosystem would be dramatically different or cease to exist altogether.

Habitat Configuration

These megaherbivores significantly alter landscapes by moving through them. Pulling down trees, breaking up bushes, and stomping through vegetation sets off a chain reaction of events that benefit the greater wildlife community. Whether creating grassland spaces for zebras to graze or opening gaps in forest canopies to provide light for low-lying plants to grow, elephants and rhinos provide countless species with spaces to co-exist and thrive.

Healthy Water Systems

Their tree clearing patterns creates new water sources, further transforming the environment. Rivers meander into new pathways, carve out fresh landscapes, and redistribute water and nutrients across the ecosystem–essential to regions that rely on elephant and rhino-modified ecosystems for water resources. Watering holes help other species survive droughts.

Positive Vegetation Impact

Modified water flow nourishes surrounding vegetation and fosters the growth of plants in areas previously shaded by dense canopy cover. Lush habitats rich in biodiversity emerge, supporting an array of plant species and providing sustenance for wildlife.

Biodiversity Increases

Abundant vegetation draws herbivores such as impala and zebras to these verdant oases, shaping diverse plant communities through browsing behaviors.

Strong Ecosystem Balance

With elephants and rhinos at the helm of habitat configuration, they initiate a domino effect that promotes balance in predator-prey dynamics. Thriving plant communities bring the herbivores, which then attract a variety of predators, weaving together an intricate web of life within the ecosystem.

Carbon Sequestration & Seed Dispursal

As the gardeners of the forest, they play a vital role in carbon sequestration through their foraging and movement habits. By thinning forests of low carbon density trees and plants, they help sunlight reach larger trees that capture more carbon from the atmosphere. They contribute to the food chain by dispersing seeds through waste (a nutrient-rich fertilizer) across vast distances. Seed dispersal helps distribute plants across the landscape for other herbivores to eat, facilitates the regeneration of forests, and creates microhabitats.

Habitat Degradation

Habitat complexity would be minimized without the creation of micro-habitats that support a wide range of plant and animal species. Trails may become overgrown, restricting easy access to water and food. Animals that rely on the browsing and foraging activities of elephants and rhinos to live, eat, and reproduce would be in jeopardy. If we lose elephants and rhinos, we are at risk of losing those who depend on them.

Altered Water Systems

Without elephants and rhinos to shape landscapes, water systems would be disrupted, potentially leading to stagnation, erosion, and altered hydrological patterns. Animals that rely on watering holes–and giant water-filled footprints–would lose their habitats and sources of water for survival. Changes in the availability of water for both wildlife and human communities could exacerbate water scarcity issues.

Negative Vegetation Impact

Habitats may become barren and ecologically impoverished without the presence of elephants and rhinos to modify water flow. Vegetation would decline, leading to reduced growth of plants and loss of biodiversity.

Biodiversity Decreases

The absence of abundant vegetation would lead to a decline in herbivore populations and have cascading effects on predator populations.

Imbalanced Ecosystem

Elephants and rhinos are dominant forces in shaping the composition and structure of entire ecosystems. Their extinction would disrupt the interconnectedness of life within habitats, leading to potential collapses in ecosystem function and resilience.

Negative Impact on Climate Change

Elephants and rhinos play a seismic role in protecting our planet. Whether contributing to natural carbon capture or paving the way for new growth, they have a giant impact on the overall health of our world. Without these landscape architects, many tree species will be left without a means to spread their seeds. Ecosystems may become less resilient to environmental stressors, potentially exacerbating the effects of climate change on biodiversity and ecosystem function.


Towering Trees, Tiny Refugees

Trees damaged by browsing elephants take on a new purpose: shelter. Hollows and twisted crevices within elephant-damaged trees become homes for lizards and small mammals to inhabit. They provide a respite from predators and harsh environments, and serve as breeding grounds for new life.

An Entire Ecosystem in a Single Footstep

Small “ponds” created by massive footprints transform into micro-ecosystems and connectivity hubs for frogs and other vertebrate populations. These tracks enhance biodiversity and are a safe, stable space for tadpoles to grow from eggs to adults.





From forests to savannas, elephants and rhinos significantly alter landscapes by moving through them. Pulling down trees, breaking up bushes, and stomping through vegetation sets off a chain reaction of events that benefit the greater wildlife community.

Step 1
HABITATS are modified
Through movement patterns.

A History of

The Lineage of
Species Conservation

Conservation began as a form of applied science, with leaders from forestry, agronomy, geology and hydrology backgrounds playing pivotal roles. However, the public’s feelings toward and understanding of conservation was inherently dynamic — eventually creating years of political and social controversy.

Therefore, the conservation movement of the early twentieth century differs greatly from the environmental movement that arose after 1950, and even the version we have today. While early forms of conservation focused on scientifically planning the use of natural resources, environmentalists aimed to maintain species populations and the wild natural areas they inhabited.

A Movement is Born

Some historians argue that conservation began when British landscape architect, John Evelyn, presented his book “Sylva, or A Discourse of Forest Trees” to the Royal Society in 1662. And although his works established an important foothold, conservation efforts didn’t gain traction until the industrial era, nearly 100 years later.

Experts estimate that the rate

of extinction is between 1,000

and 10,000 times greater than

it would be without humans.

Life on a Dying Planet

Since the shift of the 1950s, our situation has grown increasingly desperate. Resources are growing ever scarce. Entire ecosystems are dying off. Keystone species are either vanishing or suffering to survive. The human footprint is expanding and stomping on wild forests and jungles. (Source)

Fortunately, modern-day pioneers work around the clock — and the globe — to help put a stop to the decline.


Continuing Conservation Together

The conservation of tomorrow will always be determined by those who practice it today. Thanks to ever-increasing public interest and a growing investment into research and discovery, the scientific community’s methods, knowledge and equipment continue to advance and evolve.

At Colossal, we attribute modern conservation efforts to the pioneers — both past and present — who bring it to the forefront.

Pioneers of conservation
The Faces of


Meet the revolutionaries from around the world who continue to advance the practice and understanding of species conservation today. Their collective interests, commitment and determination make a positive impact on biodiversity that will secure the success of our future.

Lukas, MZOOL

With over 40 years of experience, John Lukas is an expert in wildlife conservation. After receiving a master’s in Zoology from Northeastern University, he spent 30 of those years at the helm of White Oak Conservation Center. In 1987, founded the Okapi Conservation Project in the Democratic Republic of Congo to protect the elusive and highly threatened okapi from extinction. John is the founding member and president of the International Rhino Foundation, a founding board member of the Wildlife Conservation Network, a director of the Tusk Trust, an advisor for the Conservation Centers for Species Survival, a member on the species specialist boards for giraffe and okapi for the IUCN—and a member on Colossal’s own Conservation Advisory Board.

Penfold, Ph.D.

Linda is the Executive Director and Founder of the South-East Zoo Alliance for Reproduction & Conservation (SEZARC) based in Florida. Formerly, she was the Research Coordinator for White Oak Conservation Center, FL where she worked for 13 years. She started her career at the Institute of Zoology, London Zoo, where she received her PhD through University College London. Her first post-doctoral position was at the USDA’s Agricultural Research Station in Beltsville, MD. From there, she joined the Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Research Institute before moving to White Oak. Linda is a member/advisor of several international conservation groups including the IUCN cattle group, Vikela Earth SA and NatureSafe UK, and in the USA is an advisor on several committees for the Association of Zoos and Aquariums.

Iain Douglas
Hamilton, Ph.D., CBE

Iain Douglas-Hamilton, D.Phil., CBE, is an authority on elephant behaviour and conservation. He attended Gordonstoun School, and later Oxford University where he earned a degree in Zoology and a D.Phil studying the Ecology and Behaviour of the African Elephant. His work in the 1960s paved the way for much of today’s understanding of elephants and current conservation practices. During the 1970s, he investigated the status of elephants throughout Africa and was the first to alert the world to the ivory poaching crisis. He chronicled the diminution of Africa’s elephant population by half between 1979 and 1989 and was instrumental in bringing about the world ivory trade ban. In 1993, Douglas-Hamilton founded Save the Elephants (STE) a charity dedicated specifically to elephants. Since that time Save the Elephants has conducted research on elephants across Africa and has increased public awareness of the many dangers that threaten elephants and the habitats in which they live.


a thing of the past

With Effective Conservation, We Save Animals And Their Ecosystems.

For the first time ever, humanity possesses the means to rectify our past missteps and heal nature on a massive scale. By building on the knowledge and successes of the conservationists that came before us, and utilizing breakthroughs in science and technology, we have an opportunity to turn the tide on extinction and secure a vibrant future for life on Earth.

At Colossal, nothing is more important than supporting species, balance and biodiversity in our planet’s ecosystems. That’s why our conservation efforts are ambitious and intentionally engineered to drive the development of technologies for the benefit of the future.


We have developed three core conservation strategies that guide our work to reverse the ecological crisis.



This key aspect of our core conservation strategies is the intersection of Colossal’s cutting-edge scientific advancements, profound understanding of ecology and deep reverence for life in all its forms. Biodiversity underpins ecological stability, ergo, its loss disrupts ecosystems and their critical functions. We counteract this deficit through the pioneering strategy of de-extinction. By resurrecting previously extinct species and rewilding habitats, we can enrich biodiversity, replenish vital ecological roles and bolster ecosystem resiliency.



Our approach to conservation is indisputably dynamic, unique and multifaceted. It deploys an array of powerful technologies and breakthroughs—all derived from our trailblazing de-extinction initiatives. Equipped with a powerful de-extinction toolkit, Colossal is capable of enhancing breeding programs, combating zoonotic diseases, unlocking profound insights into animal biology and unveiling unprecedented possibilities for species preservation and restoration.



A vital aspect of our conservation work includes discovering species yet unknown and rediscovering “lost species” not seen in decades. Our approach to finding lost species involves several key components—collaboration, partnership and engagement. By protecting these creatures, who are often on the brink of extinction, we can help ensure a more resilient and vibrant future for our planet.

- Matt James / Colossal Chief Animal Officer

Looking Forward

Ultimately, our goal is to impart the benefits of Colossal’s de-extinction efforts across the scientific community on a global scale. In the process, our team looks forward to ushering in this exciting new era of successful species conservation. We have to stop the immediate eradication of life on Earth before it’s too late. We have to reverse the damage that’s been done.

In the past, Earth lost the woolly mammoth. The thylacine. The dodo. Today, it’s the Florida panther. The Northern white rhinoceros. The Asian elephant. Without intervention, these species may disappear forever. And tomorrow, we might, too.

Find out how Colossal’s innovative de-extinction technologies aid our conservation efforts.

+ + +



The northern white rhino, once roamed the grasslands of Africa as a symbol of strength and resilience. Today, however, the species is on the brink of extinction. The northern white rhino is classified as Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species TM, emphasizing the urgent need for a groundbreaking scientific breakthrough—one that can reverse the alarming decline in their population. With only two northern white rhinos remaining—both females—theirs is an alarming predicament which requires immediate attention and relentless support.

But we’re committed to that cause. Despite the obvious pitfalls of managing an all-female breeding program, Colossal remains vigilant in our efforts to bring back the northern white rhino. Our team is fully committed to using innovative science and technology to perform this seemingly impossible task.

On average, a rhinoceros is killed by poachers once every 16 hours.
[ source ]


BioRescue develops advanced reproduction technologies to help save Critically Endangered mammals like the northern white rhino. As the genetic rescue partner, Colossal is sequencing all known viable and preserved museum samples to create a dataset of the historical genetics of the species. With that information, we can create gene-editing tools to confer the identified lost diversity into cell lines that are being used for embryo transfer.

Read the press article on our work with the northern white rhino

Click here to Learn More +


Not unlike the dodo, the northern white rhino's increased vulnerability to external threats is largely responsible for the decline in population. In order to prevent them from meeting the same fate as the dodo, we must remain vigilant in our conservation efforts.

The time to act is now. Rhinos are in peril and their conservation will depend on our collective efforts to ensure their survival for generations to come. Which is precisely why conserving this essential species is among Colossal’s top priorities.

Learn More +

“With Colossal’s advanced genetic technology, we will be able to piece together the missing links of the species’ genetic history. Following decades of assisted reproduction and stem cell innovations made by scientists and conservationists, I’m thrilled that the partnership between Colossal and BioRescue will help to establish a sustainable and genetically robust northern white rhino population."

Project Head at BioRescue, Colossal Scientific Advisory Board

Ceratotherium simum cottoni

  • Class: Mammalia
  • Order: Perissodactyla
  • Family: Rhinocerotidae
  • Genus: Ceratotherium
  • Region: Central African grasslands
  • Avg. Length: 5 to 6 ft | 1.5 to 1.8 m
  • Avg. Weight: 3080 to 7920 lb | 1.4 to 3.6 tons
  • Est. Current Population: 2
[ Status : Critically Endangered ]
quotes + stats

Population Threats


Habitat Loss
Political Conflict
    Civil war & unrest in their native habitat

So many people think about species in terms of how close

to endangerment or extinction they are, but actually,

what we want to do is recover species

- Barney Long, Re:Wild



The elephant. Earth’s largest land animal. These wild and wonderful megafauna are in danger of extinction and they need our help now more than ever. The Red List TM classifies the Asian and African savanna species as Endangered. And unfortunately, the African forest elephant population is in considerably worse shape, currently listed as Critically Endangered. These species are in dire need of habitat reconnection, protection and modern methods that can put a stop to their declining population numbers.

There were 10 million elephants in Africa in 1900. There are now fewer than 500,000.
[ source ]

Our Partners

Collectively, our elephant conservation partners work in various continents, climates and conditions to help protect and preserve endangered species like the Asian and African elephant.

Save The Elephants studies the elephants of Samburu National Park using Colossal’s Artificial Intelligence and drones. These surveillance technologies allow us to apply AI to video data sets, effectively training the AI to be able to identify elephants, individuals, herds and behaviors. Our toolkit aids in monitoring elephant movements passively, without the use of collars, and to predict elephant behavior, proactively mitigating Human-Elephant Conflict.

Elephant Havens is the only elephant orphanage in Botswana to use the same AI platform used by Save The Elephants. Colossal’s technology aids in the study of how orphaned elephants develop socially and prepares them for reintroduction to the wild. Additionally, it provides information that optimizes strategies for release and ensures the safe return of orphaned elephants into wild herds without strong adult presence.

Read the press article on our work with elephants

African Savanna

Loxodonta africana

  • Family: Elephantidae
  • Genus: Loxodonta
  • Location: Sub-Saharan Africa (except for Central forests)
  • Avg. Height: 10 to 13 ft | 3 to 4 m
  • Avg. Weight: 4 to 7 tons | 3600 to 6400 kg
  • Est. Current Population: 350,000
[ Status : Endangered ]
African forest

Loxodonta cyclotis

  • Family: Elephantidae
  • Genus: Loxodonta
  • Location: West & Central Africa
  • Avg. Height: 8 to 10 ft | 2.4 to 3 m
  • Avg. Weight: 2 to 5 tons | 1800 to 4500 kg
  • Est. Current Population: 95,000
[ Status : Critically Endangered ]

Elephas maximus

  • Family: Elephantidae
  • Genus: Elephas
  • Location: South & Southeast Asia
  • Avg. Height: 6.5 to 11.5 ft | 2 to 3.5 m
  • Avg. Weight: 3 to 6 tons | 2750 to 5400 kg
  • Est. Current Population: 95,000
[ Status : Endangered ]
Comparison chart

Population Threats

African Savanna Elephant

Loxodonta africana

African forest Elephant

Loxodonta cyclotis

Asian Elephant

Elephas maximus

Poaching & Wildlife
Poaching & Wildlife
Poaching & Wildlife
Habitat Encroachment Farming
Habitat Encroachment Farming
Habitat Encroachment Farming
Human-Elephant Conflict
Human-Elephant Conflict
EEHV is a

EEHVs are a unique set of herpesvirus that infect elephants and can cause a deadly and horrific hemorrhagic disease (EEHV-HD). EEHV-HD kills approximately 50% of all young elephants under managed care in North America. Yet, it’s EEHV1A—the most pathogenic EEHV strain—which specifically claims the lives of most vulnerable Asian elephant calves and juveniles.

Asian Elephants are the closest living relatives to the woolly mammoths, sharing 99.6% of their DNA.

[ source ]

A 2019 study found that 32% of Asian elephants in North American zoos are affected by EEHV hemorrhagic disease (EEHV-HD) with a 66% fatality rate among the infected.


A lifeline for earth’s
Endangered avian Species

Colossal’s Avian Genomics Group and our endeavors to de-extinct the dodo are sprouting the development of critical technologies to help conserve the world’s most endangered pigeons—and, eventually, all threatened birds. Currently, our focus is on sequencing the reference genomes of threatened and endangered pigeon species—like those listed below—to create a genomic library and biobanks backups. Additionally, we are advancing assisted reproductive technologies that will help us restore healthy population numbers of these species.

The IUCN lists 31 species species of pigeon as endangered or
critically endangered.
[ source ]

The Mauritian Wildlife Foundation is the largest non-governmental organization in Mauritius exclusively dedicated to the conservation and preservation of the nation's endangered species. Colossal’s partnership with MWF helps protect and preserve critically-endangered avian species on the islands of Mauritius. Our combined efforts in this scenic paradise will help lay the groundwork for the successful de-extinction and rewilding of the dodo.

Read the press article on our work with Mauritian Wild Life Foundation

Click here to Learn More +

Caloenas nicobarica

  • Class: Aves
  • Order: Columbiformes
  • Family: Columbidae
  • Genus: Caloenas
  • Region: Nicobar & Other Indo-Pacific Islands
  • Avg. Length: 16” | 40.6 cm
  • Avg. Weight: 1 to 2 lb | 0.4 to 0.9 kg
  • Est. Current Population: Unknown
[ Status : near threatened ]
Status: Near Threatened

Population Threats


Invasive Species
    Cats and Rats
    As a food source
    For gizzard stones - stones are used to make jewelry
Illegal Pet Trade
Habitat Loss

[ Nicobar Islands, India ]

Didunculus strigirostris


  • Class: Aves
  • Order: Columbiformes
  • Family: Columbidae
  • Genus: Didunculus
  • Region: Samoan forests
  • Avg. Length: 12.2” | 31 cm
  • Est. Current Population: 70 to 380
Status: Critically Endangered

Population Threats


Habitat Loss
Accidental Hunting
Invasive Species & Depredation
    Feral Cats
    Black Pacific Rats
Habitat Loss
Food Source Scarcity
Tropical Cyclones

[ Nicobar Islands, India ]

Nesoenas mayeri

  • Class: Aves
  • Order: Columbiformes
  • Family: Columbidae
  • Genus: Nesoenas
  • Region: Mauritius
  • Avg. Length: 14.2 to 15” | 36 to 38 cm
  • Avg. Weight: 12oz | 350g
  • Est. Current Population: 375 to 490
[ Status : Vulnerable ]
Status : Vulnerable

Population Threats


Habitat Loss
Invasive Species & Depredation
    Crab-eating macaque
    Small Indian mongoose
    Feral cats
    Caused by human food scarcity
Foreign Disease
    Leucocytozoon marchouxi
Inbreeding & Decreasing Genetic Diversity


Our Partner


Howling for change

The gray wolf has been an iconic symbol of the wild and a critical player in North America's ecological narrative for decades. Yet, over time, their habitats shrank, food became scarce and human presence threatened their wellbeing, marking the decline of a predator that once roamed freely across the continent.

Historically, nearly 2 million gray wolves spread across North America, but by the mid-20th century, relentless hunting and habitat loss reduced their numbers dramatically. Today, they occupy a mere fraction of their former range, a tragic tale of humanity's campaign against this legendary creature.

Wolves once occupied nearly 70%
of the United States.

[ source ]

Canis lupus

  • Class: Mammalia
  • Order: Carnivora
  • Family: Canidae
  • Genus: Canis
  • Region: North America, parts of Europe & Asia
  • Avg. Height: 2.5 to 3 ft | 1.5 to 1.8 m
  • Avg. Weight: 80 to 110 lb | 36 to 50 kg
  • Est. Current Population: 12,000 - 16,200

Population Threats


Human Conflict
Delisting of Protection Status
Habitat Loss
Poisoning, trapping and hunting

By the 1960s, human actions had eradicated

gray wolves from the western United States,

leaving fewer than 1,000 in Minnesota and

on Isle Royale in Michigan.


of Yellowstone

The absence of the gray wolf created a unique opportunity for prey animals—specifically Yellowstone National Park’s elk population. Without a predator to maintain balance, their numbers soared in response. And, because they no longer had a wolf to chase them, the elk simply didn’t run. As a result, hoards of hoofed herbivores stood in place, grazing an area until its last blade of vegetation was trampled or eaten. Slowly, the elk picked their environment clean, tipping the scales

of biodiversity with every bite. To park officials and conservationists alike, it seemed as though the disappearance of the wolf would forever scar the face of one of America’s most scenic natural assets. Fortunately, in the latter part of the century, the winds of change blew the gray wolf to the forefront of conservation. Recognizing their crucial role in maintaining ecological balance, efforts to reintroduce them—specifically in Yellowstone—emerged.

Drag the divider on the image above to view an AI simulation of the effects of trophic downgrading on the environment. The ecosystem on the right has its apex predators.

Consequences of
Trophic Downgrading

  • Proliferation of Disease
  • Wildfires
  • Decreased Carbon Sequestration
  • Invasive Species
  • Disruption of Biogeochemical Cycles

Out of the Woods

Years of conservation successfully helped return these apex predators to their natural habitat. And, as predicted, their presence has not only enriched biodiversity, but also stabilized ecosystems, as well.

According to recent counts, there are approximately 5,500 gray wolves across the contiguous U.S., a testament to conservation efforts. However, challenges still persist. With pressures from land development and human-wolf conflicts, this critical predator remains tethered to the edge of existence.


Due to human conflict, over 500
wolves were killed in the northern
rocky Mountain states in 2012 alone

[ source ]

Fortunately, modern conservationists have no intention of giving up on animals in need. Colossal, in its enduring commitment to de-extinction, conservation and the future, recognizes the urgency of the gray wolf's situation. As with other species, we are dedicated to harnessing advanced scientific methods to ensure species like the gray wolf not only survives, but thrives in the landscapes it once dominated.

“Our efforts highlight the importance of genomes as a reservoir of endangered species ancestry for innovative conservation efforts. This work presents an unprecedented system that conservation can leverage to enrich the recovery program of an endangered species."

Bridgett vonHoldt, Ph.D.

Colossal Scientific Advisory Board Member,
Associate Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at Princeton University


Our Partners


With a vision to rewild Australia, conservationists have looked to the Tasmanian devil. This apex predator, while keeping possum and wallaby populations in check, would drive out invasive foxes and cats, enabling native small mammals to recover. In parallel, it would help enrich the soil, spread seeds, bury leaf litter, and minimize the buildup of flammable material – dampening the breadth of forest fires. Twenty-six healthy Tasmanian devils have been reintroduced to mainland Australia to date. Returning the Tasmanian devil to Australia is a quintessential example of the positive feedforward impacts of species reintroductions.

Only an estimated 25,000 devils
are left in the wild of Tasmania today. [ source ]

Sarcophilus harrisii

  • Class: Mammalia
  • Order: Dasyuromorphia
  • Family: Dasyuridae
  • Genus: Sarcophilus
  • Region: Mainland Tasmania
  • Avg. Length: 1.9 to 2.1 ft | 58 to 64 cm
  • Avg. Weight: 10 to 31 lb | 5 to 14 kg
  • Est. Current Population: 10,000
[ Status : Endangered ]

Population Threats


devil Facial Tumor Disease (DFTD)
Habitat Loss & Deforestation
Invasive Species

[ Chris Hemsworth releasing Tasmanian devils ]

CONSERVATION collaborators

“We are excited about the applications of these technologies in being able to conserve marsupial species that are on the brink of extinction before we lose them forever."

Barney Long, Ph.D.

Senior Director of Conservation Strategies for Re:wild.

“With many conservation projects across Australia and Tasmania, this particular project is near and dear to my heart. Seeing first-hand the rapid loss of biodiversity that Australia has been facing, it brings me great joy to support a company who is dedicated to not just preventing further extinction but also in some cases, reversing it.”

Kirstin Scholz

General Manager of WildArk

"Our family remains dedicated to supporting conservationist efforts around the world and protecting Australia's biodiversity is a high priority. The Tassie Tiger's extinction had a devastating effect on our ecosystem and we are thrilled to support the revolutionary conservation efforts that are being made by Dr Pask and the entire Colossal team."

chris hemsworth

Actor/Activist & Colossal Investor

Credit WildArk of Chris and Elsa from their work with the Tasmanian devil
Credit: National Geographic for Disney+

Our Tasmanian thylacine Advisory Committee



To bolster our conservation efforts in Tasmania, Colossal has assembled the Tasmania thylacine Advisory Committee, a board of qualified, indigenous individuals with diverse backgrounds, years of expertise and direct involvement with the community itself. The Committee’s main objective is to provide input on Colossal’s local conservation efforts for species like the Tasmanian devil and aid in the development of a thylacine rewilding program.

The Committee—which consists of cultural, commercial, government and community leaders in Tasmania—meets to discuss the feasibility, concerns and needs of the public in regards to the safe and successful reintroduction of species like the extinct thylacine and extant Tasmanian devil. Conversations center around updates from Colossal related to genomics research, biodiversity, environmental restoration and the sustained wellness of the Tasmanian community. Together, we will work together to reach ethical conservation, de-extinction and rewilding milestones for Tasmania's cornerstone species.

Learn More About
Our Efforts in Tasmania +

“Community is at the heart of everything we do, and it’s essential that we work together to create a vibrant and sustainable future.”

Michelle Dracoulis, Mayor of Kingborough Coucil in Tasmania

in the

A Look At Conservation's

Best-Known Success Stories

Puma concolor coryi

  • Class: Mammalia
  • Order: Carnivora
  • Family: Felidae
  • Genus: Puma
  • Region: Southern United States
  • Avg. Height: 24” to 28” | 61 to 71 cm
  • Avg. Weight: 60 to 160 lb | 27 to 72.5 kg
  • Est. Current Population: 200
[ Status : Vulnerable ]
quotes + stats
“The panther you see one second will

be gone the next...”

- Unknown
The Florida Panther population has rebounded from an estimated 10 to 200+ since 1967. [ source ]
[ florida forest and swamplands ]

Equus ferus przewalskii

  • Class: Mammalia
  • Order: Perissodactyla
  • Family: Equidae
  • Genus: Equus
  • Region: East Asian grasslands
  • Avg. Height: 4.3’ to 5’ | 1.3 to 1.5 m
  • Avg. Weight: 550 to 800 lb | 250 to 360 kg
  • Est. Current Population: 2,500
[ Status : Endangered ]
quotes + stats
"Even though Przewalski's horses suffered extreme

demographic collapse, the population is still ge-

netically diverse. There is, thus, hope for [other]

endangered populations fighting similar issues."

- Ludovic Orlando
By the late 1950s, only 12 horses remained. Today, there are over 2,500 worldwide. Approximately 1,360 live in the wild. [ source ]
[ Mongolian grassland steppe ]

Bison bison

  • Class: Mammalia
  • Order: Artiodactyla
  • Family: Bovidae
  • Genus: Bison
  • Region: North American grasslands
  • Avg. Height: 4’ to 6’ | 1.2 to 1.8 m
  • Avg. Weight: 700 to 2,000 lb | 316 to 907 kg
  • Est. Current Population: 20,500 in “Wild” Herds
quotes + stats
"If there be no place for wild bison

in all of Montana, then surely we

have crossed a line between the Last

Best Place and the the Once Best Place."

- Jim Bailey
By 1902, only 23 bison existed in North America. With successful conservation efforts, approximately 20,500 roam America today. [ source ]

Meets Technology

By working on the de-extinction of the thylacine, Colossal is developing and advancing exciting new technologies that aid in the conservation of animals like the Tasmanian devil. With Colossal-born innovations like the marsupial exo-pouch, assisted reproductive technologies and cryopreservation , there’s a promising future for these endangered marsupials. These innovations will not only benefit the conservation and restoration of Tasmanian devil populations, but many other endangered marsupial predators, as well. Among them are northern and eastern quolls, Kangaroo Island dunnarts, numbats and pygmy mountain possums.

But there’s still hope. Our efforts can assist in building insurance populations for a multitude of endangered species, as well as help guarantee their long-term survival.

By using artificial wombs, it will be possible to breed endangered animals quickly, efficiently and without the limitations associated with traditional breeding programs. Utilizing artificial processes can expedite the revival of endangered populations, inherently preventing their extinction.

Exogenous Development

Also known as in vitro gestation or artificial womb technology, exogenous development involves the transfer of a developing embryo to an artificial environment. Specifically, a cultivated environment that is able to provide the embryo with all conditions necessary to develop and grow outside of its mother's body.

Both surrogacy and artificial wombs are viable solutions for bringing back extinct species. However, they’re equally advantageous in the conservation of those which are currently endangered, as well.

What’s unique about synthetic reproductive hardware is that it’s able to independently support the life of a developing organism in an ex utero atmosphere until it’s ready for birth. Colossal’s gestational technology presents conservationists with a promising opportunity to help endangered species at scale.

Learn More About
Our Science & Technology


At the heart of Colossal’s science and technology innovations are our partnerships, where together, we work with industry leaders to advance conservation and restore biodiversity for the benefit of all life on Earth.

University of
IPB University
Bogor Indonesia
Of California
Of Connecticut
The Rockefeller
Baylor College
of Medicine


A Colossal Contribution

Colossal’s unique value proposition in conservation is innovation. The journey to de-extinction requires constant discovery and development. Ultimately leading to commercial breakthroughs that can save the planet. Much like NASA’s groundbreaking Apollo Missions led to many technologies you can’t live without today. In fact, without our journey to the moon, you may not be able to read this website right now.

Find out how we’re making a change and inventing new ways for all of us to thrive on Earth.

Visit Our Science
& Technology Page +


Colossal is on a mission to heal the Earth.
And we can’t do it alone.

The progress we’ve made is astounding, even to us—and at breakneck speeds, too. But we owe much of our success to curated partnerships with key individuals and organizations. Specifically, ones who are as passionate about saving the planet as we are. Our team is excited not only for what we’ve accomplished together so far, but what we can accomplish together tomorrow.

Get Involved In
Colossal’s Mission +