Opinion: How bringing back the woolly mammoth could save species that still walk the Earth

BY Matt James and Dr. Barney Long

As more species are pushed to the brink of extinction, conservationists are responding to our biodiversity crisis in new and sometimes controversial ways. One such novel approach could be described as the mammoth in the room: “de-extinction” technology that has the potential to protect and restore species on the brink of extinction and, more provocatively, those that disappeared from the planet long ago.

We can avoid such innovation and the controversy that comes with it. But the reality is that many milestone moments in conservation have been contentious.

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About The Authors

Matt James is an expert in exotic animal care with over 13 years of experience, including leadership roles at the Dallas Zoo and Zoo Miami. He holds key positions within the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) and was recently appointed as the Husbandry & Welfare Working Group Chair on the AZA’s Elephant Sustainability Task Force. Matt has a Bachelor’s in Biology and Chemistry from Doane University and an MBA from the University of South Florida Learn More About Matt James 

Dr. Barney Long is the Senior Director of Conservation Strategies for re:wild. He works on the conservation of endangered mammal species and the thematic approaches required to achieve the recovery of their populations. He has worked extensively on Saola, Sumatran and Javan Rhino, Tiger, Gibbons, Doucs, and a host of other species across the world. A focus of his work is protected area management effectiveness and the prevention of poaching. Learn More About Dr. Barney Long